Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Or in this case, float like a pair of the new Reebok Floatzig 1's.
Last week's social run wasn't just about getting the legs moving - it was more of a full-on test drive. Thanks to Reebok, we had the privilege of taking their new Floatzig 1's out for a spin and can we just say WOW!!!
Let's be real, trying out new running shoes is a little like a first date. Will they keep up? Will they ghost you after 5km? Will they make your heart race? Lucky for us, these ones sure delivered! Seriously, we don't know if we could find a better match - comfort, support and style, these shoes have it all!
Between the easy miles, lekker vibes, the post-run chats and the incredibly beautiful sunset, it really was an evening to remember. Thanks to our friends at Reebok, here's to many more run dates with you <3
See you next Wednesday :)