We know that getting up early to go for a run can be tough. After all, who wants to leave the comfort of their bed and venture out into the chilly morning air? But here's the thing – the early birds may catch the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese, and in our opinion, cheese is way better than worms.
Sure, it may take a bit of extra effort to drag yourself out of bed and lace up your running shoes in the wee hours of the morning, but the rewards are well worth it. There's something magical about running at sunrise, with the world still quiet and peaceful, and the promise of a brand new day just around the corner. Plus, you get the added benefit of feeling like a total rockstar for having already accomplished something before most people have even rolled out of bed.
As the Running Late Club, we've learned a few tricks for making those early morning runs a little bit easier. First off, invest in some good gear – there's nothing worse than being cold and uncomfortable when you're trying to start your day off right. And make sure you have a plan in place for what you're going to do with all that extra time you'll have after your run – maybe you'll treat yourself to a nice breakfast or a relaxing pilate session.
So, if you're not already a morning person, consider giving it a try. You may just surprise yourself with how much you enjoy those early morning runs, and who knows – you might even become a convert to the early bird way of life. After all, there's plenty of cheese to go around, and we're all about getting our fair share.